This is my experience...
a great journey and a lifetime unforgettable experience!!!
This journey gave me a new meaning for travel and for life itself...
and the reason to create this blog and share, with all of you, this thrilling adventure.
In the beginning… many thoughts and lots of doubts!
written on the 12th November 2007
I take a look at my calendar and checked,… it’s really 12 November 2007,… it has been almost 2 months since I looked back, for what was the last years and realized I had to get alive, again, and with a new age stage to face upon!
The only particular note about this day, was the fact that I bought this new notebook, a travel notebook on which I intended to write my impressions and thoughts about my journey to be! A travel notebook to remember me of my adventures and misadventures! Would be my travel chronicles!!!
I take a look at my calendar and checked,… it’s really 12 November 2007,… it has been almost 2 months since I looked back, for what was the last years and realized I had to get alive, again, and with a new age stage to face upon!
A journey scheduled to start about a month from this day on the 8th December (actually on the evening of the 7th but I’ll get to my target destination only in afternoon of the 8th) and on which, I believed at this point, I would be all by myself, something that promise to be a journey in the journey itself!
Also the destination chosen, for this lonesome adventure, wasn’t much the kind of destination most people would even consider to go nearby at this time of year – a journey into the Norwegian Arctic in the middle of the polar night season!!!
I guess you have to be some kind of fool to consider this one hell of a great holiday! Well, you can call me crazy… and some did :-)
On the many invitations I made, to friends and work buddies, the best I could get was some maybes that soon went to can’t do it now, sorry!
Well, the plane’s tickets already booked and bought since late September, so that settles things quite easy, Tromsø, here I come!!!
Ah! And, what for, you might ask!
Only to see (or try to see) the Aurora Borealis – or Northern Lights as they call it in northern countries! Again, call me crazy… again, some did :-)
[Just a piece of advice, if you are planning to go this far north, and you don’t want to be taken by crazy, it’s easy… just say you are going to Santa’s homeland, everyone seam to consider this as a normal and reasonable explanation!!!]Who said I'm going alone?
written on the 19th November 2007
It’s always the same, as soon you write it down, there’s always someone to contradict you! Like this! I just said I was going all alone! Well… it’s not true anymore! JV is also coming… good, I guess!!!
Yet, I already need to make some changes to my planning, which didn’t include sleeping at hotels in The more friends you got, the more you can achieve!
written on the 22th November 2007
I’ve been checking on internet (at the Tromsø University webcams), almost everyday for the past few weeks, how’s the weather and sunlight up there. This is just a glimpse of Tromsø, but enough to see that it snowed last night :-)
That’s good news for someone that has scheduled and booked a Dogsled activity!!!
Now we are three!
written on the 25th November 2007
Sunday afternoon. The phone rings, it’s JV! His voice sounded a little compromised, like there’s something bothering him! He wanna know how was some bookings that I already told him was done, so I started to worry and want to know what was that all about!
After some hesitations and excuses he ends up asking if I could allow his father to join us!!! Well, I didn’t quite understand the reason of all that hesitation to say that, till he told me his father was 74 years old! Then I understand why he was so cautious about :-)
Like I told him, he was his father and was going with his son and they where both adults!!! Which means: I decline any responsibility on both :-D
Anyway, I started this quest inviting everybody, so didn’t have any problem if someone else wanted to join us. Also if someone at 74, really, wants to go to the arctic (not just “would like to…”), in the middle of December, that someone doesn’t seem that old to me and is most welcome!!!
JV tells me his father was a marathon runner till 5 years ago, so I guess he must be in good physical conditions. Also that his father was more open-minded than the son and this I’ve got to see :-DNight shots in Valongo (Porto outskirts)!
written on the 28th November 2007
Not only FS lend me his photo equipment, but he also offered me a expertise class on how to handle the Canon 350D with the new Tamron Lens, a 17-50mm / f2.8 (for those photo curious that get this far reading! :-)
Because we both weren’t too familiar with night pics, we took this night to make some tests and went to this hill nearby Porto (overlooking the city of Valongo),
to take some photos on less intense city lights - I know it’s not comparable to the northern lights, but we have to shoot at something at night ;-) from this experience I learn how you feel when using a camera with no light to see it, as we choose a dark spot without artificial light around us! Especially if you are not familiar with the camera: “this button do this… and that button do that…” and I hardly see what he was pointing at!!! Well, we joked with the situation :-D
So my advice on taken pics in dark environments would be that you get quite familiar with equipment and know the main buttons by heart, cause you won’t see a thing :-)
This was also good to know that with a “warm” +6ºC my fingers almost freeze!!! So the gloves I bought wasn’t as good as promised!!! So what I’m I suppose to do if I get -10 or -20ºC ?! Well, guess I’ve to wait till I get on place, cause also, I’ve just fond out that I can’t operate a new camera and wear gloves at the same time :-D
Ah! The camcorder… probably won’t catch anything!!! As it could be seen from the sequences recorded, with a much more intensity of lights in this place :-(
So, another advice, if you wanna film the northern lights better go with a professional with pretty good equipment :-)Lousy Weather and Aurora Forecasts!
written on the 29th November 2007
Checked the internet just to fond out that the Aurora Forecast was updated yesterday… and is expected a Level 1 on Aurora activity (there’s only one worst - Level 0) for the 8th December – the day on which was booked the “Northern Lights search for clear sky” with a local photographer in order to increase my chances of finding some good spots where to see Aurora!!!! What a bad luck… actually I use some more unpleasant words, but in Portuguese, so you better think it was just some untranslatable comments ;-)
After this, on 4th December, the weather forecast also got worst, with a prediction of a warm +5ºC (in December at latitude N70!!! the arctic is getting tropical… my thought amongst some other untranslatable comments) with some rain on the days before we arrive – just in case some snow resist on melting with the warm temperature, this should do it – what the hell, it’s getting perfect conditions for a total screw up!!! grrrrr!
Thoughts and comments before it gets started!
written on the 5th December 2007
It's 10pm, less then 48 hours for the journey to begin!!!
As usual, at work (doing some planning management at Porto ’s Subway and Light Railway Tram Project Management Team, I’ll just call it EGF team ;-), EGF team mates are curious! When will you go? So your off on vacation, where to?” according to the reply I gave, I get the “ah! To Norway… to get some “bacalhau” for Christmas (all year round we eat a lot of this stockfish - codfish dried out, seems that Norwegians call it “klippfisk” - also a must in a Portuguese traditional Christmas eve dinner), or the “brrrr! to the arctic, what for? To see the Aurora ?, Northern Lights? Are you sure you’re not trying to see some Norwegian girl called Aurora !”, this one from the male side ;-) from the female side was more like “ah! If you were going to see something with a tropical beach on it (preferably in an all-inclusive resort) an invitation would be most welcome! Now, that...”
I guess, that by this time most of them didn’t even imagine what I intended to do, namely, sticking on a cold (-10 to -20ºC was my believe) dark place, waiting, for hours, that some lights decided to appear in the sky above!!! And for what’s best, with good chances of not seeing anything!!! If they knew this, then more people would take me for nuts for sure, cause they didn’t knew this, they were only doubting if I wasn’t nuts :-D
About these doubtful thoughts, there is also the fact that I was going to Norway and not Siberia (this one is in the top of the list, that people build in mind, of places that you wouldn’t wanna go, much more then Alaska or Greenland , even if you are talking about places whit same latitudes). This sure add me some mental sanity! Norway is seen as one of the most worth-living-in civilized countries! If I change it from Arctic Norway to Siberia , I would pass from little nuts to completely insane! Of course, from an average Portuguese (or west European country) point of view!!! Also is different to say that you’re going to the northernmost part of Norway or to the arctic! Cause almost anyone (including me 4 months ago) knows the country is that long (not large but quite elongated) and have a reasonable arctic region!!!
So looking at what I got borrowed, I do think I set up an EGF-Team Embassy to the arctic!!! Naming:
This mobile phone from NL; the photo equipment from FS (which also included two other lens, one of them an expensive and heavy Canon 10-22 wide-angle zoom lens that I intended to try out); and also the trekking equipment (warm cloths, portable spotlight and also a backpack) from CR - this guy liked the idea (the first one I met) of going on this quest, and almost agreed on coming, but unfortunately he already had spent his annual budget on his two weeks vacation in Scotland (where he also climbed the Ben Nevis).
:-) Still… the more friends you got, the more you can achieve :-)
Where did I heard this?... :-DLets Get It Started! @ Porto’s International Airport
written on the 7th December 2007
@ 19h20 [7:20pm] - Airport
Just arrived at the airport a few minutes ago! Waiting for JV and its father… I get a little tense… the last few days went running, meaning I was the one running to do all the late stuff, even though today was a completely stressful one!!! Trying to get all the stuff I had in two “little” bags! Yes, in the last days I realised that the bags definitely got shorter from the last time I used them ;-) but today they suddenly got minuscule :-(
Maybe I exaggerated on cloths, normally I wouldn’t, but this time I didn’t wanna get caught on cold!!! But guess that’s not the problem… maybe the problem is that one of the bags is almost filled up with photo and video equipment :-D and some food :-D so, I had to leave behind my second all-weather-coat (how can I call it) and my robe (or bathrobe, don’t know the right word)! This means that I’ll wear the same outfit all the time and will walk around the bedroom with my pyjama :-D about the pyjama (or pajama) and for those of you that get curious on cloths instead of photo equipment, I have to reveal something too ;-) did you know that a few days ago I fond this nice sports pyjama that says in big letters “polar life adventure” with the words “geographic expedition” below, so, what have you done? I really had to buy this one… LOL
Now I’m feeling hot, must have something to do with arriving here with warm and heavy trekking boots and a warm coat, also heavy due to all the stuff that I filled its pockets with, because I haven’t got any more room in the bags :-D
@ 22h00 [10:00pm] – at Ryanair Airplane
Sitting at the airplane on my way to London , never been to England , so my first time will be just on transit to another country! I’m on one of those lowcost flights by Ryanair that give us the chance to get to a main European Hub and fly cheaper everywhere else - actually it’s cheaper to go through London, even south, than taking a direct flight from Lisbon!!!
Just put on my mp3 player , and it started playing this song called “de L’air” which suits just fine for some flying :-D start writing some stuff cause flying at night don’t have much interest unless you’re a good sleeper… all you can do is watch the nice looking air hostesses (Irish or English I guess, but anywhere you go they all look nice, don’t they? :-) besides that you got one half of the plane asleep some air-stressed and the rest reading or talking to avoid being air-stressed!
Start writing about how I almost got pissed off at the airport for them keeping my body-deospray!!! an almost new can of it, a little can but I forgot it was a 150ml can!!! And one keeps forgetting that inside a can of spray there’s a liquid on it!!! Damn :-(
Anyway, as a confidence, when I bag it up I knew this might happen, so I took the chance and loose, but I’m still good in predicting things, hum! Ain’t I ? ;-)
Looking at a guy messing around the bags compartment and pushing aside my little plastic bag (which has got the tickets and all my travel plans on it)… got to keep an eye on that fellow and the bag, or I might be going on my feet to Norway ;-D
Because this a lowcost flight you don’t get a seat number, even though and also being the last ones to enter the plane we manage to get us a 3 seats together right at the emergency exit, which is nice, not cause you’re the first to get out of the plane if needed, but because you get more space for your legs :-)
Also at this lowcosts you get some entertainment! I didn’t hear through the loudspeakers quite well, because I got my earphones, but figured they were setting some kind of lottery… Yeh! I think it was it, now the blondie hostess is passing with her hand on the air with some scratchcards to sell, air travelling is getting sophisticated :-D
I was still writing the last sentence when I heard on the loudspeaker something and a guy get up and pick his prize… a airplane ticket… but not just any airplane ticket… I heard it was a return ticket… for those not so familiar with Ryanair, their tickets are mainly the cost of the one-way… I mean the one you go out, cause the usual price for the return ticket is one euro-cent or one penny (fees and taxes not included), so the guy got one hell of a prize, if you know what I mean :-D
My first British experience ;-)
written on the 8th December 2007
Aurora ;-)… which means I’m facing east or something east!
Time to head for check-in for the Norwegian flight! Surprisingly our flight appears at the information board but without a check-in desk number. So we and some people wait there for it to show up… time passes and I start to wonder why the hell it never come out. Decided to take a walk and start looking for some check-in desk with the Norwegian logo on it… when I got closer to the two ones that have that logo the lady in one of the desks started to ask the people on a huge cue line to place themselves on the other 2 desks on side (which had the logo of some German airline)… it seemed that a lot of people already knew about that lack of info at the board, cause they were already on the cue to a check-in desk that said Bergen!!! Ok, we were heading to Tromsø, that’s in the same country, and the check-in desk was from the German Wings (or something like that didn’t write it back then), that’s in the same continent, no problem… after all when we were already in line, after some time, it finally appears in the information board the number of the check-in desk to Tromsø!!! Yeah… and bingo it went on the23, a good number that stands for a closed check-in desk!!!! They really took their time to un-update the information :-D
Ok, let’s take-off our shoes and get to the plane… I must remember this - always try to avoid English airports, especially when wearing trekking boots, like I did, really annoying :-(
@ 07h20 [7:20am] – London Stansted Airport
Ok! I know I got up at 4:30am, but I’m not really in a bad mood!!! Nevertheless from my few hours experience here in Standsted, I can’t say anything nice about the local hospitality and, let’s say, British humour… only spoke with 4 guys here and 2 of them were particularly unkind a third fond it really hard to understand me and the last one, younger and more nice just gave me a completely useful information!!! The problem seem to be with attitude and apparently got nothing to do with foreigners, has the lady who went before me at the information desk point, who seemed to me very British, got the same treatment! The lady at the information desk even manage to say “good morning” in the beginning and “thank you” at the end of each attendance, but with a tone and rough speech that you don’t dare to put any more questions ;-)
The arrival here late at night didn’t went as wanted as my bag arrived a little too broken! But at 1:00am with the need to wake at 4.30am and the hotel already paid for, you don’t have much time to go complain about a broken bag, lucky them!!!
By that time we need to check-in at the hotel, directly connect to the airport, but to fulfilled my partner wish to sleep this night, didn’t have many alternatives, so we stay at a 4 star Radisson SAS hotel, everything booked up on internet, seemed to be ok, wasn’t for the fact that we had to pay an extra 20 Pound because one of us wasn’t a child!!!! I know I’ve booked for 2 and then changed to 3 persons, but already checked all my mails and in anyone of them I’ve ever said something about any child!!! Also checked and they really did mention the 3 of us would pay the same as the 2 booked before. I’ve the mails to testify for it!!! Anyway you can’t argue a lot at this time of night… at least the lady at the desk was cute and nice… no! not an exception to what I said before…she didn’t look British, neither her name :-D
Spend the night in a crowded room with two other guys… not quite used to it, since my army days!!! But a nice comfortable room at a very modern stylish hotel with free internet access… at that late I still went to check my mail!!!
So, here am I sitting by a publicity board looking through the glassy wall of the Airport façade seeing the reddish dawn of day (that we also call Time to head for check-in for the Norwegian flight! Surprisingly our flight appears at the information board but without a check-in desk number. So we and some people wait there for it to show up… time passes and I start to wonder why the hell it never come out. Decided to take a walk and start looking for some check-in desk with the Norwegian logo on it… when I got closer to the two ones that have that logo the lady in one of the desks started to ask the people on a huge cue line to place themselves on the other 2 desks on side (which had the logo of some German airline)… it seemed that a lot of people already knew about that lack of info at the board, cause they were already on the cue to a check-in desk that said Bergen!!! Ok, we were heading to Tromsø, that’s in the same country, and the check-in desk was from the German Wings (or something like that didn’t write it back then), that’s in the same continent, no problem… after all when we were already in line, after some time, it finally appears in the information board the number of the check-in desk to Tromsø!!! Yeah… and bingo it went on the
London to Tromsø - The Northern Lights Express
written on the 8th December 2007
@ 17h10 [5:10pm] – sitting at the lobby of Thon Polar Hotel, while I got two pals, sleeping in the room upstairs ;-)
We arrived on scheduled to Tromsø, and it was, for sure, the best flight ever!!! Not just my opinion, I also heard it said to my neighbour (in the plane’s seat), by an elder nice British lady that insisted to point her opinion, saying that she had travelled a lot but never got such a nice flight!!!
[I have to wake those two guys in less than an hour, so still have the time to write something of what happen before…]
It all started at the Stansted airport, when we saw this cute painted airplane, at first I didn’t knew if it was good, for the fun painting, or bad, if they painted it that way to hide some older aspects… only then we discover it was our plane, and started enjoying taking pictures on the way in… while we make some passengers waiting for us to take the pics ;-)
Inside we seat in the middle of the plane, me and JV on the right (although that was the left side of the plane) and his father on the left with another gentlemen and a young lady in-between. Well I think he’s the one who started the conversation with the lady, but took only a minute to decide his English wasn’t good enough to keep the conversation, so he promptly offers me his place to chat with her!!! Well I’m not to good at staring conversations (really a little too shy for that matter), so I’m glad she started… giving each one of us a brochure of the “Northern Lights Express”!!! Which gave me the chance to get into a conversation with her… and lucky me… turns out that she was from the Tromsø Tourism Board, and a nice to talk too!
So for a flight of nearly 3 hours I got the best seat companion. Among other things, we talked about her job, as she was responsible for the coordination of the Northern Lights Festival, which is the biggest cultural event on Tromsø that goes for a week with lots of music and other cultural activities, and takes place every year around the 21st January (that’s when the sun finally shows itself to the city, after a period that begins on 21st November), so better put this festival at your agendas!!!
I also asked about the life on a northern town, that normal stuff, which I, as a Portuguese, am not quite familiarly with ;-) and also got some awesome aspect about people’s behaviour that really surprises me… I always thought that the way we drive in southern Europe was something that only got to do with our hot temperament!... but this time I got a real life testimony of a typical northern girl, who went living in Italy for a few years and “learn” to drive like a Latin, to the point of when back in Norway realised how she got a different driving behaviour and almost had to re-learn driving the local way :-D
Probably people don’t find this story so weird or enriching, but those who already experience, driving in northern and southern European countries might get my point, and why I make such a deal of this story…
But there’s more, as I also fond out this was the first Northern Light Express flight, so without knowing we were at the inauguration of the connection between London and Tromsø without any scales!!! The cute drawings that cover the all plane on the outside, were made by the children at Tromsø schools and this was not the only plane painted like that!!!
The plane got a lot of people from the Tromsø tourism board and local travel agents that had been in London for marketing purposes of that flight, Tromsø and the Northern Lights :-)
The people had the whole thing quite well planned so we had the most excellent flight, especially if you notice that this was a low-cost flight where we got coffee and chocolates and the oddest… music on an airplane and I mean Live Music, from local Tromsø musicians…
Ah! One thing you must know when playing live on an airplane… you got to be moving, so everyone can hear what you’re playing!!! due to the airplanes noises only the seats near the musicians hear them… so they really did a tour ;-) specially if you think that they also touring at about 800 to 1000 Km/h… so they started their performance somewhere over the north Atlantic to end it (I would say they took a 20 minutes performance) somewhere else about 250 Km’s away from where they started ;-D
And so I had my first party at an airplane… still no one danced :-D
When the plane started the descent, I looked back and give a last look at the sun, as I knew wasn’t going to get an eye on him for the next days!!! Landing at a freezing arctic was also quite an odd experience for us, especially because it was getting darker at 13h00 (1:00pm)!!!
Set foot on land, not so cold after all, maybe 1 or 2 ºC, and glad it wasn’t raining or snowing, cause we had to leave the plane by land… and… this wasn’t a big airport, but they really got to change the place they have the passport check-up! Because it’s too near the damn door… so we had to wait in-line OUTSIDE!!! and not just a few of us… I think the cue line was bigger on the outside!!! I also believe they didn’t get that many passengers before… with such a small hall… unless they wanna give them an arctic welcome!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, Ok, they amend that with a warm welcome inside the airport just after the luggage claim… yehhhh!!! Party!!!
We couldn’t believe it!!! Welcome party at the airport!!! With a big cake with both the English and the Norwegian flags on it, to celebrate the new air connection, and also with a traditional Norwegian drink!!! The cake must’ve been good, but can’t know it for sure as I didn’t taste it… now that “Gløgg” drink they offer… hummm… tasted pretty nice ;-) it was on its non-alcoholic version and it had almonds floating on it… nham nham ;-P
Who would have guessed, just arrived to the arctic and already a warm traditional local drink to welcome us? Really?… at the airport?!!! Really great :-)
As I found out, later, “Gløgg” is a traditional Christmas drink that it’s served warmed with crushed almonds, raisins, nuts, and can be mixed with red wine.
Also a small note (especially for others Portuguese fellows :-) just to state something I always knew ;-) There are Portuguese everywhere in the world ;-) its unbelievable! There I was standing still in the middle of other people (on that welcome party at the airport), and someone approaches and give me a Good Afternoon! [in Portuguese, that was “Boa Tarde”] and we weren’t even talking in Portuguese at the time… but there he was a Portuguese from Faro (sunny Algarve ) living and working, as a tourist guide, in a arctic city… hard to believe!!!
The First Night – Bad Weather… Bad Luck!
written on the 8th December 2007
@ Troms Fylke [somewhere by night] – Although I’m writing on the next day (more precisely 4:30am of Monday which is already the 10th December), this is the story of our misadventures in the first night of the quest for the Northern Lights ;-(
After leaving the airport to the hotel, in a bus that didn’t want to close one of the doors :-D we arrive the Hotel Polar, the same time as everyone else! So another cue line and, guess what, again on the outside!!! This must be some kind of arctic tradition ;-) or to make us get used to the temperature… anyway they sure want us to believe that this around zero temperature is real warm temperature as while we’re in line waiting to get a place inside we saw someone smoking on the outside, but wearing a t-shirt!!! Yes, just like if we were in Algarve or something like that :-D
Ah! Just to remind me that by 4:00pm it felt just like it was 10pm… weird feeling!!!
Because the room wasn’t ready yet, we got some time to walk around the city centre and take some photos on a Saturday afternoon… although they all look like Saturday night photos :-D
Also tried to buy, in place, some music from a local band of traditional folk music… even manage to find a opened music store… but just to find out it was sold out and would stay like that till Wednesday! Yep… I’m out on Tuesday…
Back to the hotel, room on the 9th floor! The very last floor, so last the elevator didn’t go there!!! It only gets us to the 8th and then we had to use the stairs… but, the view was nice ;-)
All went as scheduled, met Anja at the lobby, to pay for our dogsled activity (booked for the next day)… funny we get to meet before in the plane as she was also on the “Tromsø team” that went to London !... I also did have time to write something about that flight’s experience, before our quest for the Aurora started at 6:00pm
Also as scheduled, at 6:00pm, we met our guide KS (a local photographer) and get onboard his 8 seats van, to go in search of what-we-came-here-for…
Weather seems to be on a bad mood :-(
As I understand for the few words he shared about weather conditions, it seems we’ll have quite a hard time getting clear sky tonight!!! Still liked it worst when he tells me we’re heading to the sea side… everything I read before told me that in bad weather in Tromsø we need to go inland and maybe get lucky somewhere, this wasn’t a good sign… As he told me later things were quite heavy inland with snow or rain and bad chances of getting some open sky… So we were heading to Sommarøy!
We start our trip throughout a series of tunnels under the sea (they even got a roundabout down there ;-), which I believe was the first time I was on a tunnel under the sea (not that it makes a lot of difference, just for the record ;-)
On the rear seats of the van, with our journey companions, a young British couple from Gibraltar and an Italian from London, we leave Tromsø island on to another island – Kvaløya – heading west we reach the north part of the island having the sea on our right side… all the way we got another companion, due to the circumstances an annoying one – the rain!!!
Close to Sommarøy, but distant enough to avoid the city lights, we stop by the beach, as our guide decided to try our luck!
This was the time to get to know the other fellows the Italian more communicative the couple more reserved! Seems this was a good day for KS, as he brings two other tourist on a smaller car driven by one of his friends (a big Norwegian as our guide didn’t differ much from us on physical stature, his friend make a lot of difference among all of the people there)… also apart from two Norwegians, two Portuguese and one Italian, the rest didn’t spend much time outside the vehicles, so, we only get to talk with those ones outside… we talk, but not even a sign that the sky could clear up… still had faith that we could get lucky… so we talk about us and them and about our relation with stockfish/klippfisk and the 1001 ways we got to cook it, although they didn’t believe we could do it, so we refer to some of the most common ways we cook it and didn’t insist much on that idea ;-) but we really can cook it 1001 ways, or more :-D
The weather didn’t get better… I passed some time walking on the beach, a frozen beach!!! I took the spotlight with me, so could walk on the beach and get closer to the water… this was the time for another of those many sights that I never seen/felt before… to walk on a sandy beach cover with a thin sheet of ice!!! If you ever want ice on the beach this is the place to be :-)
All the time I had my camera set and ready to shoot, but nothing happened… wrong, something happened, it started raining with more intensity, so after a while they decided we should move… as they were already getting in the cars I had to unmount it all in a hurry… guess this was when I loose my glasses, cause it was raining and I removed them and then I had to unmount it alone and quickly get into the car, so I completely forget about the glasses… and this was the last time I remember wearing them!!!
On the way the guide keep talking on mobile with someone that were giving him some info about the chances in got in other places (or even with people around the area, didn’t get this cleared). Finally we’re heading inland!!!
Got to go back, through Tromsø, on the way we stopped at a gas station (Statoil) to “refuel” the tourists. I only drank a hot chocolate, but for others it was an essential “pit stop”… specially the guy from the British couple ;-) he was a little, let say big (the word fat is a rude one), she was a little, the opposite! I wasn’t paying much attention but by his comments and others, I guess he ate several hotdogs/hamburgers!!! So it did wonders on their side because he stopped the complaining with her (all the way he was on the negative side, with that: “…we are not going to see anything, why bother… lets go back to the hotel…” kind of talk on her), and went back on the car with a much positive speech, even if we didn’t see anything at the end ;-)
As we were heading inland, I still had some hopes by that time, although that acrobatic fall on the gas station concrete :-( auuutch!!! It hurts just to think about it… I already had walk on ice in the village and was walking with confidence just like one should do, but on one of those do-not-think-and-try-to-stop steps on the icy ground, I just slept… both feet up in the air and my back on the ground… like an half-semi-mortal jump… very funny on those home-made videos you see on youtube!!! Could have been worst, but fortunately it only hurt when I hit the ground… so I just get on my feet, for the attention of several of our trip companions, trying to check if I was ok! With special attention from the couple on the other car (he promptly get some paper towels so I could clean and dry out myself)!
Back on the road (uuuh! this makes me remember my back!), we pass Tromsø on the way to the mainland… No luck today two more stops, one up the hill, but only to get some snow, the other one on a crossroad, to say goodbye to the couple on the other car (and get to know them too), two friendly Japanese (living in New York for the last 6 years) that were in Finland (Kirkenes - for the Ice Hotel) and did a 6 hours drive to Tromsø expecting to see the Aurora Borealis on a better location! Tough luck for them too!!!
Don’t know at what time we arrive at the hotel (maybe around 1 or 2am), finally I realise I didn’t have my glasses, after searching twice in the car… this was an expensive lost!... and after a disappointing Aurora search!... What a lousy luck :-(
Fortunately, I did a nice job preparing myself for this (if I may say so myself ;-), so I still kept my spirit high when I got to bed… Already thinking on the plans for the next day ;-)
Dog-Sledding in Tromsø – Let’s have some fun…
written on the 9th December 2007
So, what is there to do in an arctic winter Sunday? For a common local guy the answer probably would be: try to rest a while after a working week or a drinking/partying Saturday’s night! But not for a tough guy from the south, like me :-D
Got to get up early for two reasons: 1 – to get breakfast before it ends; 2 – because I booked the dog-sledding for 10am… that’s the best way to maximize your time on a tour, always book something for the early morning ;-)
Being at budget hotel I fond also a budget breakfast and still don’t understand why the other two guys fond it so good!!! But I’ve also heard JV praising this place one minute and refer disappointedly to it after a while (seems he had a friend that got a job someplace as northern as this one, that only stay there for a few months – seems now he his sympathetic with his friend ;-)… depends on his moods!
10am and we are ready to go, I’m thrill about it and believe that JV’s father is too! So, its time to JV gets more disappointed that his father chooses to go to this activity! If it weren’t for the fact he got to stand by his father, he could be back to bed after breakfast!!! Instead he’s back on the back of another van :-D
We leave the hotel to pick up some other tourists at the local camping (seemed a good place to stay with all those bungalows), all Germans and much younger than us (1 guy and 4 girls, all of them in their early twenties, I guess). They enter the car very reserved, specially the girls. Also that’s where I gave my front-seat for the German girl who complains on back seats, so… that’s why my road-movie got shorter ;-) ah! I thought this was a 8 seat van, till I saw this was a group of 5… and a guy seating on the back of the van on a sideway seat :-)
After a short trip we arrive at the farm/centre! Because of last night’s rain the path inside it was on ice so even the car with special tires didn’t manage to get us next to the main house and we had to walk!... this was the hardest task of the day - to walk on ascending or descending ice, maybe for 50m or more… it was more slipping than walking ;-) holding to each other or to the trees (I decided to go through the trees, deeper soft snow, cause I already had my fall last night ;-)
After this extra activity (not booked ;-), we arrive at the main place to what seems to be a big kennel (dog pound?! didn’t found a better translation) with almost 80 dogs. On a small wooden house we dress the outfits for the activity, a complete suit that included ice-boots, which came in hand after that last walk-on-ice to get here… the suit was also needed against smoke on the final stage of the activity as we were about to find out. The place seemed quite new build… Although I didn’t like seen so many dogs in one place all tied up, they all seemed to be well treated! We spent a good 10 to 15 minutes saying hello to the dogs (which they like it a lot), talking to the owners and taking some photos!
The activity starts with a mini-briefing about the sled they use and on how to drive the dogs. Since the dogs are already trained and a guide is going with us, there isn’t a lot to learn, so it’s very easy to get the main issues… it’s only a little less easier to get them in action ;-)
Time to get the sleds and dogs ready for take off… each sled had 5 dogs and carries 2 humans! I go with the German – JB! While he gets to drive first, I seat on the sled (covered with warm reindeer fur) and get my camcorder ready to go!
And we’re off… wow!!! Sliding on ice its great… even if it shakes and squeezes you to the bone ;-) don’t know how to describe it well, but seeing the beauty landscape of the fjords, the sunlight and the sun presence below the horizon, while seating there and being pulled by those dogs… was really amazing feeling!!!
My turn to drive the sled… wow and wow!!! Double amazing!!! Long time don’t felt so happy and delighted with something :-) The sights were truly wonderful – while standing up on the sled one could also see the sea, so with the fjords, the sunlight and the beauty of a white landscape, you can say WOW… all the time ;-)
After a few minutes I was getting the hand on it… using the hand-break… stopping with one or two feet… I was almost an expert… if it weren’t for the times I kept forgetting to do it and end up with my dogs over the guide’s sled :-D as I was right after him and whenever he stopped to check on the others sleds that follows us – while I was distracted looking back or talking with JB on the sled – I end up stopping a little bit late… only for a funny situation, that was, with the dogs around his sled ;-) …not to mention that speedy turn, on a rough ground… turn out that the sled almost turn around… over us! Some how I manage to stop it at half way so the buddy JB only laid on the ground, without the sled over him ;-D …yes, we laughed a lot !!! and with “astonishing expertise” ;-) I also manage to put it (the sled) back on track again… amazing deed that earned a guide’s compliment in the end of the ride :-) you don’t get compliments for doing it right :-P
Also got a special thanks from a satisfied JV, for pushing him into something he was not interested at all… before :-D
But like they say, all good things must come to an end… and it ended pretty fast… But wait! We still had to get a bit, or bite, of the arctic traditional Sami Tent! Although it was more like a modern Sami Tent, we get the picture ;-)
And it was a really pleasant way to end up our visit and activity. We seat around the fire and had tea with chocolate cake (tasted very good :-) …time to talk with the guide and the other tourists… we also had the company of two little puppies, which were the delight of the German girls, who hugged them till the end of the visit ;-)
After undressing the borrowed cloths, we got back in town, exchanged e-mails with the guide and JB (let them all know that they could find me here in TB ;-) and back to the Hotel… the day wasn’t over yet… what I’m I saying? It’s 3pm, the day(light)’s already gone!!! Of course, the arctic night is here to last…
Before starting to worry about the Northern Lights, we still had the time to visit a major Tromsø tourist spot – Polaria – an Arctic Experience! < >
We arrive there at 4pm, one hour before it closed, but I think it was enough. Can’t say I like it a lot or that it’s a must go there to see it… but, it’s nice and educational and it’s worth a visit if you’re there. We get to see a movie of Svalbard in a wide big screen, with some nice images and aerial shooting… the other main attraction was the water tank that houses the 3 bearded seals – “the only group of bearded seals in captivity in the world” like says on their site – with a passage underneath we could see them passing above our heads. Then, up the stairs we saw them “flying” on the water from one side to another… it was nice, but would rather prefer see them outside… in the sea ;-)
The Second Night – an admirable Milky Way at the Scandinavian roundabout!
written on the 9th December 2007
@ Troms Fylke [down to the Finnish Border] – Stepping into Finland … can I add it to my list of “Countries I've Travelled To”?! :-D
As soon we return to the hotel (after our amazing Dog-Sledding experience and even before the visit to Polaria), we started discussing what the hell should you do, in order to search for the Aurora on this day!!! While we were on the dog-sled it looked like the sky could be clear that night, so I thought we might get lucky and even manage to see The Lights around Tromsø… I had two plans for this weather scenario… the first!… and the second!... I love this joke :-D
Plan A – go to Villmarkssenter sit in a Sami tent and wait for the Aurora !
Plan B – take a bus that goes to the Tromsø outskirts, go to the end of the line and found yourself a nice dark street alley ;-)
I must say that I made plan A in Portugal , as I found out how difficult it is to rent-a-car on Sunday!!! On the other hand, plan B only appeared the day before while talking to Anja about that problem! The plans were similar in practice and this last one was cheaper, but my buddies didn’t like the idea of waiting outside-in-the-cold!!! I didn’t like the idea of paying almost 1500NOK (near €185 or $295 for the three of us), just to stand on a Sami tent having tea and cookies!!! And what was worst for me… the tent didn’t move!!!, So, as the time passed and the sky was getting cloudier and rainy I decided we had to go for… Plan C = rent-a-car at a stupid price!!!
No time to waste, ask the receptionist to fond a rent-a-car that could do it (meaning rent a car ;-) which on Sundays is an hard task)… at the airport they all say no! Finally a yes from Hertz on the city’s centre! They had one (and only one) car available at the terrific price of 1600NOK (about €200 or $315 for a day… I just thought “@£§#€&$#”!!!) – “Ok, say to them that we’ll go there… before they run out of cars!” I told the recepcionist
Me and JV walk to the Hertz office and on the way, while JV was trying to convince me that we had to accept, I convince him to let me try and negotiate with the guys there to rent the car only for the night… so when we get there and he confirm the price, there I was saying to the guy that (he was about to close the office) the price was to heavy for a Portuguese (this wasn’t a lie ;-) and that I could deliver the car when they open next morning… and so on… I finally did break a little of the Norwegian ice and he gives another offer – 1200 NOK – JV wanted to accept right away, but the Scrooge in me keep saying this wasn’t a good deal, so I talked to JV to have a little more patience so I can convince the guy to lower his offer a little bit… after all they could rent the car again the next day, so for them it was a great deal to rent the car for the night only.
While I was talking to JV (in Portuguese with an attitude like saying to JV I’m not interested – which wasn’t that right) I saw the guy making some calculations on his own, so “JV keep it cool”!!! … and the final offer (his own words) was 1060 NOK!
Not sure if I could get a lower one but it was too late (more then 6pm already) so I accepted right away and tell the guy to hurry with the contract… which he didn’t he took him an eternity to fill it all up and give me the papers to sign… plus JV, and his big mouth, says he wants to drive as well, so instead of 1060 we paid 1100 NOK! All that work, Grrrrrr!!!
So we’re off… with a good car - Skoda Octavia 4x4 – but to damn late… and that’s when JV starts getting on my nerves! After picking his father and the photo material at the hotel, he wants to find a gas station in the city! But why if you got the car filled up and there are others on the way!? Because he needs to smoke!!! That was a big surprise for me… I mean I knew he smoked, but I didn’t know he was so addicted that he couldn’t leave without them!!! There he was trying to convince me we also needed a roadmap – although I had one of Troms for the biggest part of the ride – still we were loosing more precious time, so there we go to the gas station (that didn’t had roadmaps) to buy cigars… so only by 7:30pm I manage to get out of Tromsø! Although we didn’t get in touch with KS, I knew the photographer probably got out of town by 6pm, so this could compromise that we reach a good place inland before the Lights were gone!!! The sky in Tromsø was heavy clouded, so I believed we would have to drive something like 200Km (125miles) at a speed of 40-50Km/h, which meant more then 4 hours!!!
My plan was to get to the Finnish border and then inside the country till we get clear sky… but after a while JV starts seeing stars and want me to stop right there (this was a Sunday evening with a lot of traffic on this main road!!!) or turn to the hills!!! There I go with him insisting on his, till I finally get to a place I can stop and get out of the car, to see there’s a cloudy sky everywhere… also had to convince him the lights he sees are south and from some village ;-)
We make about 1h30m till we found the first gas station and this time I also wanted to check the roadmap, so need to buy one – at this time the average speed was about 50Km/h with a complete cloudy sky, so I still worried, but not JV – there we went to buy the map and guess what?... they had all kind of roadmaps from Norway (even from Spain and Portugal ;-) but not from the local region!!! So have to go to the nearest station, fortunately not so far, but, like said, not all of us were in a hurry… JV needed to finish his cigar… unless I let him smoke inside! Not a chance… “you stay there while I get us the damn map!!!” So, I drive to the next station, ask for the roadmaps, still had to compare the two they had, choose one of them and finally wait in line to pay for it!!! Counting the time I quickly return to pick JV at the other station… oh! God!!! Now is finishing a burger… so he could eat inside!... no! he still wants to get a coffee after the burger… and don’t ask me why the hell, didn’t he do it before when he got the burger… certainly because this way he could manage to get even more on my nerves!!!
While on the road JV was in contact with KS through his mobile phone, so we already knew he was about 10-15Km from Skibotn… which was also on our way!
Another hour driving, on an even more icy road with lots of trucks and some rain, we approach the place KS was supposed to be, but after reaching 15Km after Skibotn we went forward and didn’t get any sign of him (at some point I even entered a forest road to see if could reach some viewpoint where he might be… no, JV says he told him he was on the road side)!!! More 20 or 30 Km’s and we reach the Finnish border without any sigh of KS, so we loose him!
As we were approaching Finland , we start to see some stars and closer to the border we even could see a clear sky… southwards!!!
We enter Finland, only for 2 or 3Km, but enough to make it a time for celebrations as none of us has ever been to Finland… so, it’s photo time!!! And also a time for JV’s father to remember, cause he wanted to get a picture near the countries road sign… while I kept repeating don’t go there (seems no one listens to me ;-)… he got stuck on the snow and his son had to give him a hand to pull him out of there! Ufff!!!
We return to Norway and JV tries to find out what happens to KS and tells him the good conditions we have… KS founds it odd, but decides to join us… and get really surprised with the good conditions we’ve fond!!! Which means I can guide the local guide :-D
So there we were… KS with a van full of tourists (plus his friend in the other car with another 2 or 3) and the 3 Portuguese they couldn’t get ride of ;-D… waiting for the Aurora !!!
As the sky was getting even clearer, KS give us some hope that this could be the day!!!
Time for me to eat something! I still had some of my Portuguese food, so I took a bite and start offering to the Norwegian team and his customers some of my mother's cooking… which they enjoyed a lot! KS and specially his “big” friend were delighted with those “Bolinhos de Bacalhau” I gave them (little balls of smashed potatoes with stockfish)!!!
We wait for another hour… still no Lights :-( instead we got a very clear sky filled with stars shining so bright that you could think you were seeing the lights… there were no lights but a truly magnificent Milky Way :-) this was a new moon night so we had the luck to see it as clear as one could possibly get to see! There it was: the true meaning of the “Milky Way”… as we couldn’t get more Milky than that!!!!
Also KS show me how to find Polaris (the star), while he was taking a picture of her with an exposure of 15 minutes (yes, not seconds) in which we could see, as a final result, the Polaris star in the middle of that photo, with all the other stars drawing concentric trails like circles parts around the Polaris centre…
Finally we got to see what you can technically call a low level Aurora display… but to be honest, for what we came here for, it was a very disappointing Aurora ! We saw something that looked like there was some greenish grey light down in the horizon with very low intensity, even less intensity then what is in this photo I took (just to prove that we saw the Aurora that night ;-) yes… just for the record :-)
In the end… after delivering the car and start writing this chronicle… I still managed to sleep 4 hours that night :-D
Wandering around in Tromsø – a Walk and some Thoughts…
written on the 10th December 2007
To wake up only 4 hrs later, in a hurry to get downstairs and have breakfast before it ends at 11am, just to find out that on Mondays breakfast ends at 10am… Isn’t the best way to start the journey!!! Anyway, we went out, the three of us, with the intention of visiting the Arctic Cathedral (common name as it is a parish church and not, strictly speaking, a cathedral). A modern church, built with a nice, simple yet symbolic Architecture, representing both traditional and natural elements…
Well we went out together, but after a short while - a few minutes at the local tourist office and a small walk near the harbor - one of the mattes got to sleepy to go forward and the other one is getting a “little” tired (which doesn’t surprise me after all at 75 you should get tired in such conditions and in the third day ;-)
So, they got back to the hotel for some more hours of sleep, while I go on my “lonely” walk through frozen sidewalks crossing the big bridge, over the sea, to the mainland - the European continent.
Also this took some time as the bridge is over 1.000 meters long and the middle its nearly some 30 meters higher than the banks on each side… on a roughly calculation this is a 4 km walk (2 in each direction from the city center to the cathedral). As a urban track it is not as simple as I might thought… first difficulty: I went through streets near the sea with no traffic… meaning frozen streets and sidewalks, very hard to walk on - there I was… slipping and sliding ;-)
Second difficulty: after a hard walk I was glad to find the bridge’s entrance, without a map, but, as soon I start the “climbing” of the first half, I fond out that, after 2 days without a proper meal, my coffee and biscuits breakfast wasn’t enough, so I had a little dizziness, to remind me that I had to eat something more (on the next time I get the chance :-) I guess this meant that I also had to take a few more hours of sleep, but this would have to wait another day… after I end up my arctic days ;-)
For the next difficulty, I got the wind as a companion for that walk over the bridge, which lowers a bit that “nice and warm” arctic temperature!!! Again nothing that could spoil a great walk on the arctic :-D and that’s how I felt just great, appreciating my time alone on a bridge over the sea!!!
Finally, I arrive at the other part of the city, called Tromsdalen, where the Arctic Cathedral was built… from information’s at the tourist office, I already knew that the church only opens from 4 to 6pm, so I wouldn’t wait to get inside, also, another main feature there is the glasswork on the rear of the church, but, because it is to dark outside, that glasswork can only be seen when the lights inside are on… and they weren’t!!! guessed they would be at the same time the church is open, so just took a good look on the outside to its architecture… too many slipping and one almost-fall, come on, over there it’s not even easy to just go around the church :-D next time another kind of boots, that’s for sure!!!
I return to Tromsø, on the other sidewalk of the bridge (facing north) and already without any daylight!!! Among the many people that I cross with, at the bridge, I notice the typical Norwegian mom pushing her baby stroller, with a firm wide step, passing by at great speed… while I stop (for a best record on my camcorder ;-) and think… man! I’m really slow :-D
On my way back to the hotel I went through one of the largest commercial streets, where one can see people selling the ordinary stuff like t-shirts (tourist ones, but also heavy metal icons or Che Guevara’s), also Andes music and a band playing… I could even spot a beggar, something I thought would never see in Norway , specially this part of Norway !!!
Back to the hotel I started putting into action what had decided while watching the sights over the bridge, meaning: that I would go, alone, on a cross-country ski activity!!! It should get me to the hotel in time to leave at 6pm on tour with KS, in case he manages to get the second car along with his friend… No luck! At the hotel then phone to book, but they say there isn’t such an activity for this day… probably no one else had booked!!! So, just had some tea and… off to bed… I also needed that and if we had to rent another car, I had to be fit… to be the driver ;-)
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